
2024年11月05日 742次浏览


据《巴伦周刊》报道,Adecco集团的首席执行官Denis Machuel向法新社表示,无论谁获胜,选举结束后美国的招聘活动预计都会恢复。


10月22日的Robert Half财报电话会议也提到了选举及其不确定性。

“在通货膨胀较低和广泛预期进一步降息的背景下,NFIB的小企业乐观指数在过去六个月中有五个月呈上升趋势,”该公司总裁兼首席执行官M. Keith Waddell在电话会议中说道。“尽管如此,NFIB的不确定性指数却达到历史新高,部分原因是即将到来的美国选举。许多经济学家正在上调他们的预测,随着选举的结束,总体宏观环境应该会有所改善。”








原文作者:Craig Johnson

Today is Election Day, and some are weighing in on the possible impact of today’s vote on the US economy.

Adecco Group CEO Denis Machuel told AFP that regardless of who wins, hiring in the US should recover post-election, according to a report in Barron’s.

“Businesses don’t like uncertainty: They like to know what’s going to happen. And that level of uncertainty hasn’t really helped the US market,” according to the report in Barron’s. “Once this is over, no matter who wins, we’re going to have more tailwinds than we had so far.”

The election and uncertainty were also mentioned in Robert Half’s earnings call on Oct. 22.

“With lower inflation and widespread expectations of further rate cuts, the NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index has been up five of the last six months,” President and CEO M. Keith Waddell said in the call. “That said, the NFIB’s Uncertainty Index is at all-time highs, in part due to the upcoming US elections. Many economists are making upward revisions to their forecasts, and as we get past the elections, the overall macro environment should begin to improve.”

The Institute for Supply Management also mentioned the election in its Services ISM report, noting that “concerns over political uncertainty were again more prevalent than the previous month.”

Overall, the ISM noted its Services PMI rose to a reading of 56% — the highest since July 2022 — indicating faster expansion in the US services sector. However, the report is based on data from purchasing and supply executives across the US, and several comments were made on the election.

“Seeing emerging projects in our technology business line as well as in energy-related projects, where many customers are looking forward — post-election — to release their next phases,” one purchasing and supply executive said.

Another ISM comment noted that new orders were slightly lower because of funds being held back until after the election.

And it’s not just the presidential election influencing the industry. Several states are voting on minimum wage rates, and Massachusetts voters are weighing in on whether to provide a path for independent contractor drivers at firms such as Uber to join unions, Reuters reported.

In California, voters are deciding on state Proposition 32, which would raise the state’s minimum wage to $18 per hour by 2026. The state already requires fast food workers to be paid $20 per hour.