【评选】2024北美华人人力资源年度大奖提名开始,期待您的参与!北美华人人力资源协会(North American Chinese Society of Human Resource,简称 NACSHR)于2024年7月正式启动2024北美华人人力资源年度大奖(2024 North American Chinese Human Resource Awards)评选。我们的使命是发掘和表彰华人HR在人力资源管理领域的卓越实践,认可在专业领域表现杰出的华人HR经理人、HR管理团队和HR服务机构。通过这一享有盛誉的评选活动,我们致力于展示华人HR的专业能力和贡献,提升华人人力资源品牌及其在职场的影响力,促进行业的交流、发展和进步。
2024 Best HR Practice Award (2024最佳人力资源实践奖)
2024 Best HR Leader Award( 2024最佳人力资源经理人奖)
2024 Best HR Team Award(2024最佳HR团队奖)
2024 Best HR Entrepreneur Award(2024最佳人力资源创业者)
2024 Best HR Service Provider Award(2024最佳人力资源服务机构)
2024 Innovative HR Service Provider Award(2024创新人力资源服务机构奖)
颁奖典礼:10月5日 周六 加州硅谷
同一个组织或个人增加一个奖项提名,需增加 150 美元评审服务费
1. 荣誉与声望:赢得北美华人人力资源协会奖项是一项极具声望的荣誉,能够提升您的行业声誉和信誉。它将您与竞争对手区分开来,突显您的领导力和创新精神。
2. 曝光与可见性:该评选计划为您的品牌、产品或服务提供了宝贵的曝光机会,能够吸引行业专业人士和潜在客户的关注,开启新的机遇、合作和伙伴关系。
3. 卓越的验证:北美华人人力资源协会奖项是对您辛勤工作、奉献和成功的外部认可,证明您在您的领域中表现卓越并产生了积极影响。
4. 交流机会:参与评选可以让您与多元化的行业专业人士、思想领袖和影响者建立联系和互动,创造有助于新业务联系、合作和伙伴关系的网络机会。
5. 学习与对标:北美华人人力资源协会奖项为您提供了向行业内最佳实践学习的平台。通过研究和对标其他优秀的参赛作品,您可以获得洞察、启发和最佳实践,从而推动组织内部的持续改进和创新。
6. 员工士气与动力:通过北美华人人力资源协会的认可可以提升员工士气和动力。这种认可能激发员工的自豪感和成就感,进而提高员工满意度、留存率和忠诚度。
7. 营销与推广:作为北美华人人力资源协会评选的参与者或获奖者,您可以利用这一认可来增强您的营销活动、网站、社交媒体、新闻稿和其他沟通渠道,吸引更多的客户和利益相关者。
1. 行业认可:赢得北美华人人力资源协会奖项将您定位为行业内公认的领导者和创新者,建立信誉并增强您的声誉,使您更容易吸引新客户、合作伙伴、投资者和其他利益相关者。
2. 品牌可见性提升:获奖所带来的认可和宣传能显著提升您的品牌可见性,打开媒体报道、演讲机会和行业活动的大门,使您能够接触更广泛的受众并获得宝贵的曝光。
3. 竞争优势:赢得北美华人人力资源协会奖项赋予您相对于竞争对手的竞争优势,证明您的卓越表现、产品或服务的优越性,有助于在竞争激烈的市场中吸引和留住客户。
4. 客户信任与忠诚:北美华人人力资源协会奖项是卓越和质量的象征,通过获奖,您能够获得现有客户的信任和忠诚,并吸引新客户。客户更倾向于选择获得认可的企业。
5. 员工动力与参与:赢得北美华人人力资源协会奖项可以提升员工士气和动力,认可他们的辛勤工作和奉献,激发自豪感和成就感,从而提高员工参与度、生产力和留存率。
6. 商业机会与合作伙伴关系:与北美华人人力资源协会奖项相关的认可和声誉可以为新商业机会和合作伙伴关系打开大门,吸引潜在的投资者、合作伙伴和战略伙伴,他们希望与成功和创新的组织结盟。
7. 持续改进与创新:赢得北美华人人力资源协会奖项证明您对卓越的承诺,鼓励组织内部的持续改进和创新。这种认可可以成为进一步增长的催化剂,激励您不断突破界限,追求更大的成就。
*北美地区包含加拿大、美国、墨西哥、危地马拉、萨尔瓦多、伯利兹、 洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加、巴拿马、巴哈马、古巴、牙买加、海地、多米尼加共和国、安提瓜和巴布达、多米尼加联邦、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、巴巴多斯、格林纳达、特立尼达和多巴哥、圣克里斯托弗和尼维斯联邦等23个独立的国家。
2024 Best HR Practice Award(2024最佳人力资源实践奖)
2024 Best HR Leader Award(2024最佳人力资源经理人奖)
2024 Best HR Team Award(2024最佳HR团队奖)
2024 Best HR Entrepreneur Award(2024最佳人力资源创业者)
2024 Best HR Service Provider Award(2024最佳人力资源服务机构)
2024 Innovative HR Service Provider Award(2024创新人力资源服务机构奖)
New Opportunity: North American Chinese HR Service Companies Landscape Now Open for Registration, Setting a New Standard for Chinese HR Services in North America
我们诚挚邀请您加入北美地区最全面的华人人力资源服务机构图谱(North American Chinese HR Service Companies Landscape)。此图谱旨在助力HR服务机构树立强大品牌形象,帮助企业更高效地寻找专业HR服务。该图谱由北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)联合权威媒体全力打造。这将成为众多企业在北美地区采购HR服务的重要指南。
VIP服务:优惠:2000美元/年,3600美元/2年 包含诸多额外权益,是提升品牌的最佳选择。VIP服务将为您提供更全面的推广和支持,帮助您在竞争中脱颖而出。(2024年12月31日后,3000美元/年)
· NACSHR图谱版本LOGO+简称展示,优先前排展示(其他仅为文字简称)
· 网页版本分类优先显示,LOGO展示,品牌形象好,实力展示
· 网页版本页面提供推荐的VIP徽章
· NACSHR推荐服务机构海报
· 客户需求优先对接
· NACSHR活动优先\优惠参加
North American Chinese Society of Human Resource, (known as NACSHR)
北美华人人力资源服务图谱(NACSHR Landscape)汇聚来自加拿大、美国、墨西哥等北美地区的顶尖华人人力资源服务机构,全面覆盖企业所需的各类HR服务。作为北美企业人力资源服务采购的权威指南,NACSHR图谱不仅是企业挑选优质服务伙伴的必备工具,更是服务机构展示品牌实力、拓展北美市场的绝佳平台。
VIP服务收费为2000美元(优惠价 原价3000美元/年),包含诸多权益,是你最佳的选择,当然你可以先从免费开始。
时间:2024年10月5日-6日 周六周日,其中周六上午 8点开放签到,9点会议开始
地点:Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City) 如需预定酒店,直接拉到最下方查看
32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587
会议详情:https://www.nacshr.org/2024.html (会不断更新)
因EventBrite手续费非常高,应大家要求,今年特别提供 Zelle 方式付款,收款人为本次会议运营负责人. 付款zelle地址为 gawain520@qq.com 或者扫码支付。支付时请memo处备注您的报名姓名及参会人数,感谢! (这个是没有手续费的)
您可以选择通 Eventbrite的NACSHR会议链接进行报名和付费。报名及付费链接(https://nacshr10.eventbrite.com/) (注:Eventbrite 会收取一些手续费,信用卡或者美国之外的或如果无法使用zelle 建议可以使用,或者联系我们)
费用:400美元/人 优惠票 (10月4日前报名支付) 现场门票 500美元。
晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模)
· 如果您有HR职位招聘,可以点击这里免费发布:https://www.nacshr.org/job
联系人:Annie 邮件: nacshr818@gmail.com 网站:https://www.nacshr.org
会议酒店:Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City)
32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587
点击这里可以直接预定酒店: ( https://www.ihg.com/crowneplaza/hotels/us/en/find-hotels/select-roomrate?fromRedirect=true&qSrt=sBR&qIta=99801505&icdv=99801505&qSlH=SFOUC&qCiD=04&qCiMy=092024&qCoD=06&qCoMy=092024&qGrpCd=NAZ&qAAR=6CBARC&qRtP=6CBARC&setPMCookies=true&qSHBrC=CP&qDest=32083%20Alvarado-Niles%20Road,%20Union%20City,%20CA,%20US&srb_u=1&qChAge=&qRmFltr= )
California Small Businesses Can Apply Now for Up to $2,000 Per Employee for Paid Family Leave Grants 加州小型企业现在就可以为每位员工申请最高 2000 美元的带薪探亲假补助金从2024年6月1日起,加利福尼亚州拥有1-100名员工的小企业可以申请每名员工高达2000美元的补助,用于应对员工使用加州带薪家庭假期(PFL)计划时增加的成本。加州的带薪家庭假期计划允许员工在需要照顾新生儿(通过出生、收养或寄养)或照顾重病家属时,享受最多8周的带薪休假。
Attention small businesses in California with 1-100 employees! If you have at least one employee who will be using California’s Paid Family Leave program on or after June 1, 2024, you may be eligible to apply for grants up to $2,000 per employee on PFL. This grant is designed to help offset the increased costs you may face while the employee is on leave. California’s Paid Family Leave program allows workers to take paid leave to bond with a new child (through birth, adoption, or foster care) or to care for a seriously ill family member. Businesses impacted by this program may have increased costs, such as training and upskilling existing staff to cover the duties of the employee on leave, hiring and training additional staff, and other related expenses. For more information and to apply for the grant, please visit CaliforniaPFL.com.
LOS ANGELES--Small businesses across California can now receive grants of up to $2,000 per employee through California’s Paid Family Leave (PFL) program. The online application is now open.
This initiative, funded by the California Employment Training Panel and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, aims to support small businesses in managing additional costs when employees take leave. These grants can help cover expenses such as cross-training existing staff and hiring and training new or temporary employees, ensuring business continuity during employee absences.
California’s PFL program provides eligible employees with up to 8 weeks of wage replacement benefits when they are off work for certain qualifying reasons, such as bonding with a new child or caring for a seriously ill family member. The grant is available to small businesses with 1 to 100 employees that have at least one employee utilizing PFL on or after June 1, 2024.
Grants are available in the following amounts:
Businesses with 51–100 employees may receive up to $1,000 per employee utilizing Paid Family Leave.
Businesses with 1–50 employees may receive up to $2,000 per employee utilizing Paid Family Leave.
To qualify, businesses must:
Employ between 1 and 100 employees;
Be registered to do business in the State of California;
Be in active status with the office of the California Secretary of State;
Have an active California Employer Account Number under which employees are listed for payroll and
Have at least one employee on California’s Paid Family Leave on or after June 1, 2024.
For more information or to apply for a grant, visit CaliforniaPFL.com.
The Key to a Thriving Workforce? A Smart Approach to AI微软的最新数据强调了人工智能对员工赋权、活力和生产力的积极影响。领导者可以通过关注其员工队伍是否在“繁荣”中来促进良好表现,微软将“繁荣”定义为被赋予权力和充满活力地进行有意义的工作。员工信号调查显示,人工智能的使用能通过减少乏味工作并促进有意义的工作来提高生产力、努力和影响。人工智能工具还与更高的赋权和活力得分相关,表明员工队伍的“繁荣”。成功的关键在于将人工智能与支持性文化相结合,提供必要的培训,并使人工智能项目与公司目标保持一致。
New data reveals how access to AI can help employees feel more empowered and energized, and find more meaning in their work.
what’s the best way for leaders to foster good performance? How can they tell if their efforts are successful or not? Often, companies try to answer these questions by measuring metrics like engagement or financial results. And while those are critical to business success, at Microsoft, we also want to explore whether the workforce is thriving.
“Thriving has become the North Star for how we understand employees,” says Microsoft VP of People Analytics Dawn Klinghoffer, who leverages data to help leaders understand and improve employee’s experience. “We define thriving as being empowered and energized to do meaningful work. Are people excited to come to work every day, excited about the opportunities ahead?”
One of the ways we gauge this at Microsoft is with our Employee Signals survey, a biannual company-wide poll. The recent results not only offered insights into the tangible benefits of thriving, they also uncovered a key catalyst for fostering it: access to AI.
The Benefits of Thriving
We are focused on fostering a culture of thriving because our research suggests that doing so can boost how effective our workforce perceives itself to be. We also found that employees who are thriving are likely to have the highest scores on our indicators of high performance, like productivity, effort, and impact
Additionally, survey results suggest that employees who are thriving are more likely to go above and beyond what is expected of them. They take more pride in their work and they are less apt to look for employment elsewhere.
Recent Employee Signals survey results give us some new insights about what it means to thrive in this new era of work. We discovered that higher scores on what we’ve identified as the most important factors that support thriving—finding meaning in work, feeling empowered, and feeling energized—also translate to a measurable boost in productivity. Furthermore, access to AI seems to correlate with higher scores on each of these pillars.
Meaningfulness: According to our data, employees who find their work meaningful are 59% more likely to say they are productive at work—and 28% more likely to say they put in extra effort. Key to that is minimizing time spent on tasks that don’t feel meaningful. This is where AI comes in: AI assistants can lighten the load by generating rough drafts, sifting through piles of data, or simply acting as a sounding board and brainstorming partner to help people nail down a plan of action. Crucially, incorporating AI into the day correlated to a 20% jump in scores relating to meaningful work.
“What we find is that AI is really there to help you take friction and toil out of the system, and to remove the drudgery of work,” Klinghoffer says. “And when people are able to remove some of that drudgery, we see that they’re more productive, and they thrive more.”
Empowerment: Survey results also point to a future in which AI empowers people in their jobs. People who are empowered do not feel they have resource constraints, and they aren’t overburdened with people telling them how to do their work, Klinghoffer says, “so they have more freedom to do things the way they want and need to get the job done.” Access to AI tools and resources, we found, correlated to 34% higher scores for questions related to empowerment.
Energy: Our employees who say they feel energized are 44% more likely to say they feel proud of their work, and 22% more likely to say they take the initiative to be productive and put discretionary effort into their work. All levels of AI use— learning about it, grasping its value, incorporating it into processes and products, or simply having AI resources—correlated to higher reported energy levels. In fact, scores on energy-related questions for those using AI jumped almost 27%.
These results offer solid evidence that AI can be a catalyst for thriving and high performance. But how a company goes about making AI available will determine whether the company can reap these benefits. If employees are equipped with the right knowledge, tools, training, and resources to leverage AI in their work, they can begin to tap the full potential of an AI companion.
The key to success, Klinghoffer says, is integrating AI in a way that spans culture, learning, and people management. That way, everyone will understand how AI can help them focus on the most meaningful work.
The ABCs of Thriving with AI
Klinghoffer recommends keeping the following blueprint top of mind.
Accelerate alignment: Strengthen connections between employees, the company’s mission, and the transformative potential of AI. Clarify how AI initiatives align with the company’s goals and employees’ roles. Celebrate contributions to AI projects to highlight their impact on the company and customers.
“Employees who felt more connected to the mission and really understood how their work fits into the larger system were also the ones who were really thriving,” says Ketaki Sodhi, Senior HR Data Analyst at Microsoft. “When we looked at Copilot and employee sentiment around AI, these were also the folks who were willing to experiment and find ways to use AI to take some of the drudgery out of the day-to-day.” Smart leaders should seek out those internal champions and offer them support and encouragement.
Be inclusive: Create an environment where all employees feel equipped to engage with AI. This includes providing AI education, training, and resources, as well as fostering a culture of innovation and supporting a safe space for experimentation. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can help employees express concerns and share ideas related to AI. Once users are encouraged and equipped to explore the possibilities of AI, our research suggests that a time savings of just 11 minutes a day is all it takes for them to start to appreciate its value.
Cultivate collective growth: Create a culture that empowers employees to decide how to do their best work, while investing in moments that matter together. Provide employees with the flexibility to plan their days and create time to meaningfully engage with AI. Encourage them to explore how AI can help them free up time for creative and strategic work. Then highlight use cases and foster collaboration among teams to encourage knowledge sharing.
Collective growth encompasses in-role experiences (how do we create time and space for employees to learn within their role?) and beyond (what comes next for me? Is there a viable career that excites me at this company?). AI can help with both—by eliminating the drudgery that keeps employees from doing more creative work, and by facilitating positive employee movement. “You see a huge boost. People get excited doing something new, growing their skills and experiences, and furthering their career,” Klinghoffer says. “A couple of months ago on my team we had people who were interested in a different role raise their hands, and we facilitated changes for about 20% of my org.”
HR如何可以成为组织中的影响者 How HR Can Become an Organizational Influencer文章《HR如何成为组织的影响者》强调了HR在推动组织变革中的关键作用,通过战略影响而非正式权力来驱动变革。HR专业人员可以通过利用他们对人力动态的深入理解、战略思维和沟通技巧,成为关键的影响者。文章列出了HR需要掌握的八项核心能力,包括战略影响力、讲故事的能力、公共演讲、协作影响力、外交、信息传递、冲突解决和执行力。
在大多数组织中,人力资源(HR)没有像其他部门那样拥有正式的权力或影响力。通常,HR人员不足,资源匮乏。即使在过去几年中人力资源职能快速发展,HR在工作中仍在努力建立其战略价值。对于HR来说,推动或引导变革的力量不是正式的权力或“蛮力”,而是战略影响力(strategic influence)。
组织中的影响者 组织中的影响者是变革的催化剂,是能够理解业务战略与人类动态之间联系的愿景者。不同于源自层级权力的传统影响力,组织中的影响者的影响力来自于他们连接、理解和激励人的能力。
让HR成为组织影响者的8种方式 以下是HR可以用来成为组织影响者的八种方法:
1 - 战略影响力 战略影响力是关于利用HR在人员领导和业务管理方面的独特见解来推动业务策略,确保人员与业务目标对齐并推动其前进。这个概念体现了HR领导者不仅是参与者,而且是董事会中的关键策略家,倡导促进组织成长和员工满意度的政策和实践。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
2 - 讲故事 讲故事是HR专业人士的一个强大工具,使他们能够将组织的价值观、文化和目标联系起来形成引人入胜的叙述。这种方法不仅增强了沟通,还建立了情感连接,使HR举措更易于理解和影响深远。通过讲故事,HR可以有效地倡导变革,庆祝成功,并阐明业务决策中的人性化一面,将抽象概念转化为在整个组织中产生共鸣的有意义的故事。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
3 - 出色的公众演讲 出色的公众演讲使HR领导者能够以权威和激情进行沟通,影响并激励他人。出色的公众演讲不仅仅是大声说话或喋喋不休,而是关于自信、同理心和理解。这项技能对于倡导HR举措、分享洞察和引导塑造组织未来的讨论至关重要。精通的公众演讲使HR领导者成为能够吸引听众的强大演说者,无论是在小型团队会议还是大型企业聚会上,都能有效传达HR的战略价值。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
4 - 协作影响力 协作影响力侧重于HR建立和维护推动组织成功的战略业务伙伴关系的能力。它突显了HR在弥合部门间差距、促进跨职能团队合作以及将HR策略与更广泛的业务目标对齐方面的作用。通过协作,HR可以打破孤岛,促进团结,并确保人员策略是实现公司目标的重要组成部分。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
5 - 外交技巧 HR的外交技巧是关于以策略性智慧和策略性技巧驾驭复杂的组织政治网络。它涉及以尊重不同观点的方式倡导HR政策和举措,同时推动进步性变革。HR外交官善于建立共识、管理冲突,并将HR定位为组织决策中的中立但有影响力的参与者,确保在业务策略中始终考虑人员因素。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
6 - 信息掌控 HR的信息掌控是关于编写和传达清晰表述HR策略价值和影响的信息。它是将沟通调整到不同受众的能力,确保清晰、参与和支持HR举措。通过有效的信息传达,HR专业人士可以解密HR政策,倡导组织变革,并巩固HR在组织内作为关键沟通者的角色。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
7 - 冲突解决和达成共识 冲突解决和达成共识在维护和谐和高效的工作环境中至关重要。这个概念围绕HR调解争议、促进谈判和培养合作与相互尊重环境的能力。通过为HR专业人士配备解决冲突的技能,组织可以确保更顺畅的运营、增强的团队合作以及一个重视建设性对话而非对抗的文化。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
8 - 领导风范 HR影响者的领导风范和领导力是关于体现那些在组织各个层面上赢得尊重和激发信心的品质。这包括培养一种真实、权威和平易近人的领导风格,使HR领导者能够有效地倡导战略举措并以身作则。凭借强大的领导风范,HR专业人士可以更有效地影响结果、推动战略决策,并倡导以人为本的业务方法。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
作者:Hacking HR
Change is not just inevitable, but the driving force behind personal and organizational growth and innovation.
At work, change can either propel an organization forward and lift it up, or break it (including its people).
How can organizations navigate change? Is it through pure role-based authority? Is it through the brute force of senior leadership mandates? Or is there a more subtle way in which people, without “formal authority”, may drive and even steer the direction of change?
In most organizations, Human Resources (HR) does not have the formal authority or power that some of its counterparts have. Generally, HR is understaffed and under-resourced. And, even with the rapid advancement of the people function in the past few years, HR is still on the road to building its strategic value at work.
For HR, it is not formal authority or “brute force” that drives or steers change, it is the power of strategic influence.
In essence, strategic influence is not about authority, but inspiration, innovation, and a deep understanding of the human element at work.
Ironically, some leaders with a powerful position have no influence other than that given to them by their titles. In contrast, some ordinary people at work, without a title, are real change makers with potent network effects at work given how they leverage their influence to drive and steer change.
Sometimes HR does have the formal authority, but often it does not. That’s why it has to rely more on the power of influence than on the power of formal authority.
Organizational Influencers
An organizational influencer is a catalyst for change, a visionary who understands the connection business strategy and human dynamics. Unlike traditional notions of influence that stem from hierarchical power, organizational influencers derive their impact from their ability to connect, understand, and inspire people.
An organizational influencer has some foundational attributes, including:
Thinking strategically: Sees the bigger picture and aligns efforts with overarching organizational goals.
Leading with empathy: Understands and values the perspectives and needs of others.
Communicating effectively: Articulates ideas and inspires action through clarity and conviction.
Adapting: Embraces change and helps others navigate through it.
Informing decisions with data: Leverages insights from data to inform decisions and strategies.
Collaborating with others and building partnerships: Builds partnerships and fosters teamwork across all levels of the organization.
Innovating: Constantly seeks and implements creative solutions to challenges.
Being resilient: Maintains focus and positivity in the face of setbacks.
Behaving ethically and with integrity: Upholds integrity and promotes a culture of trust and respect.
8 Ways for HR to Becomes an Organizational Influencer
These are nine ways HR can use to become an organizational influencer.
1 - Strategic Influence
Strategic influence is about leveraging HR's unique insights into people leadership and business management to drive business strategies, ensuring that people align with and propels business objectives forward. This concept embodies the idea that HR leaders are not just participants but key strategists in the boardroom, advocating for policies and practices that foster both organizational growth and employee satisfaction.
These are five competencies to master:
Develop and execute impactful HR strategies aligned with organizational leadership.
Influence top-level management and decision-making through strategic HR initiatives.
Foster strategic partnerships across the organization to enhance HR's influence.
Analyze and address complex organizational challenges using HR insights.
Mentor and develop HR teams to strengthen strategic thinking skills.
2 - Storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful tool for HR professionals, enabling them to connect the dots between organization's values, culture, and goals into compelling narratives. This approach not only enhances communication but also builds emotional connections, making HR initiatives more relatable and impactful. Through storytelling, HR can effectively champion change, celebrate successes, and articulate the human side of business decisions, transforming abstract concepts into meaningful stories that resonate across the organization.
These are five competencies to master:
Craft compelling narratives to communicate HR vision and values.
Engage diverse audiences with persuasive storytelling techniques.
Leverage storytelling to drive organizational change.
Adapt storytelling styles to fit various communication mediums.
Use narrative intelligence to enhance HR's persuasive power.
3 - Public Speaking Excellence
Public speaking excellence empowers HR leaders to communicate with authority and passion, influencing and inspiring others at work. People speaking excellence is not about being loud or never shutting up, but about confidence, empathy and understanding. This skill is crucial for advocating HR initiatives, sharing insights, and leading discussions that shape the organization's future. Masterful public speaking turns HR leaders into powerful orators who can captivate their listeners, whether in small team meetings or large corporate gatherings, effectively conveying the strategic value of HR.
These are five competencies to master:
Master public speaking skills tailored for HR contexts.
Engage and motivate audiences through effective speech delivery techniques.
Utilize public speaking as a tool for HR advocacy and influence.
Adapt speeches to various audience types and organizational levels.
Develop compelling presentation content that resonates with stakeholders.
4 - Collaborative Influence
Collaborative influence focuses on HR’s capacity to forge and maintain strategic business partnerships that drive organizational success. It highlights HR’s role in bridging gaps between departments, facilitating cross-functional teams, and aligning HR strategies with broader business objectives. Through collaboration, HR can dismantle silos, encourage unity, and ensure that people strategies are integral to achieving corporate goals.
These are five competencies to master:
Build and sustain influential business partnerships that support HR goals.
Facilitate collaboration between HR and other business units.
Leverage interpersonal skills to enhance HR’s collaborative impact.
Negotiate and align HR strategies with broader business objectives.
Cultivate a network of allies to support and advocate for HR initiatives.
5 - Diplomacy
HR diplomacy is about navigating the complex web of organizational politics with tact and strategic acumen. It involves advocating for HR policies and initiatives in a way that respects differing viewpoints while pushing for progressive change. HR diplomats are adept at building consensus, managing conflicts, and positioning HR as a neutral yet influential player in organizational decisions, ensuring that the people aspect is always considered in business strategies.
These are five competencies to master:
Utilize diplomacy to navigate and influence organizational politics.
Advocate for HR-driven change using tactful and strategic communication.
Resolve complex organizational issues with diplomatic problem-solving.
Build consensus among diverse stakeholder groups.
Lead with integrity and ethical considerations in all HR initiatives.
6 - Message Mastery
Message mastery in HR is about crafting and delivering messages that clearly articulate the value and impact of HR strategies. It’s the ability to tailor communication to diverse audiences, ensuring clarity, engagement, and support for HR initiatives. Through effective messaging, HR professionals can demystify HR policies, champion organizational change, and solidify HR’s role as a key communicator within the organization.
These are five competencies to master:
Develop clear and impactful communication strategies for HR initiatives.
Tailor HR messaging to resonate with different organizational audiences.
Communicate complex HR concepts in an accessible manner.
Utilize various communication channels effectively for HR messaging.
Measure and analyze the impact of HR communication strategies.
7 - Conflict Resolution and Agreement Building
Conflict resolution and agreement building are fundamental in maintaining a harmonious and productive workplace. This concept revolves around HR's ability to mediate disputes, facilitate negotiations, and foster an environment of cooperation and mutual respect. By equipping HR professionals with the skills to navigate and resolve conflicts, organizations can ensure smoother operations, enhanced teamwork, and a culture that values constructive dialogue over confrontation.
These are five competencies to master:
Mediate and resolve workplace conflicts effectively.
Facilitate collaborative and constructive negotiation processes.
Build consensus among conflicting parties to achieve organizational harmony.
Implement proactive strategies to prevent and manage conflicts.
Train and guide teams in conflict resolution and agreement-building skills.
8 - Executive Presence
Executive presence and leadership for HR influencers are about embodying the qualities that command respect and inspire confidence at all levels of the organization. This includes cultivating a leadership style that is authentic, authoritative, and approachable, enabling HR leaders to effectively advocate for strategic initiatives and lead by example. With a strong executive presence, HR professionals can more effectively influence outcomes, drive strategic decisions, and champion a people-centric approach to business.
These are five competencies to master:
Cultivate an authoritative and authentic leadership style.
Enhance executive communication skills.
Build strategic relationships.
Lead with confidence and vision.
Inspire teams and individuals with transformative leadership practices.
利用组织网络分析(ONA) - 衡量员工绩效并优化战略作者: Maya Bodan, Don Miller, Sue Cantrell, Gary Parilis, 和 Carissa Kilgour
在快速变化的工作环境中,传统的办公室、工作时间和组织结构已逐渐失效,组织需要新的洞察力来理解、衡量和评估员工的绩效。特别是现在,了解人们如何互动、互动模式如何影响业务结果以及如何调整行为以改善这些结果变得更加重要。数据分析和人工智能 (AI) 的创新使这一切成为可能。
组织网络分析利用网络科学和特定指标来分析和可视化组织内部的沟通和信息流动。通过收集和分析调查和工作应用中的数据,组织可以利用数据、分析和 AI 的力量。组织网络分析揭示了传统组织结构图中没有的洞察力,例如人们如何协作、谁在决策中起到关键作用或者独立工作,以及关于信任和影响的情感。组织网络分析可以帮助领导者理解人际关系、可视化关系并找出成功的潜在障碍(图1)。
图1: 组织网络分析可以帮助发现组织内部的协作
组织网络分析 (ONA) 的洞察力在结合评估个人和团队绩效时尤其有用,这些绩效衡量会影响业务结果或生产力。
利用 ONA 优化工作场所策略
组织应负责任地使用数据、分析和 AI,以实时洞察员工在当今工作环境中的操作、协作和战略。这种改进的理解可以在多个组织层面支持价值创造和决策。组织网络分析提供了有关员工如何在混合工作模式和远程工作模式中跨职能和地理“边界”协作的绩效洞察,可以帮助领导层制定工作场所策略和政策。
Maya Bodan
Don Miller
Sue Cantrell
Gary Parilis
Carissa Kilgour
Yuki Iwase
Shruti Kalaiselvan
Ramyasri T M
Brennan Conway
Katherine Arriola
1 Deloitte, “Using network analysis to build an agile organization: Create organizational collaboration in a remote workplace,” 2020年10月27日。 2 Stephen Lancaster-Hall 等人, Humanizing productivity and performance: Productivity and performance in times of disruption, Deloitte, 2020; Deloitte, Beyond productivity: The journey to the quantified organization, 2023年5月。 3 Deloitte, Beyond Productivity: The journey to the quantified organization, 2023年5月。 4 Sue Cantrell 和 Corrie Commisso, “Outcomes over outputs: Why productivity is no longer the metric that matters most,” Deloitte Insights, 2023年7月19日。 5 Steve Hatfield, “Rethinking the ways we look at productivity in a Work from Anywhere world: How to evaluate remote worker productivity post-pandemic,” Deloitte’s Capital H blog, 2021年8月24日。 6 Worklytics, “12 metrics for more effective meetings,” 访问时间 2024年1月4日。 7 Deloitte Insights, New fundamentals for a boundaryless world: 2023 Global Human Capital Trends Report, 2023, 第80页。
The North American Chinese HR Summer Forum, hosted by NACSHR (North American Chinese Society for Human Resources), was successfully held in Silicon Valley from June 8-9, 2024. The forum featured 32 HR executives and business leaders who delivered engaging presentations on topics such as HR operations, AI technology, global HR management, women's leadership, and life coaching. The event attracted over 70 attendees from various regions, including Silicon Valley, Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
部分参会的企业来自:Tiktok、Canadian Solar、ASML、Xpeng Motors US、NetEase、Nvidia、Pony.ai、Sony Corporation of America、eBay、Cisco、Clinical Pharmacology、ZERO&、昆仑万维、TCL、Alpha EMS、ASUS Computer International、轻舟QCraft.AI等知名的企业。
Some of the renowned companies that participated in the forum included TikTok, Canadian Solar, ASML, Xpeng Motors US, NetEase, Nvidia, Pony.ai, Sony Corporation of America, eBay, Cisco, Clinical Pharmacology, ZERO&, Kunlun Wanwei, TCL, Alpha EMS, ASUS Computer International, and QCraft.AI.
The forum not only highlighted the latest AI technology applications in the HR field and global HR management trends but also provided a crucial networking platform for North American Chinese HR professionals. It facilitated knowledge sharing and collaborative exchanges within the industry. Attendees gained valuable industry insights that enhance their companies' competitiveness in human resource management while also strengthening the cohesion and influence of the Chinese HR community.
We extend our gratitude to the speakers, sponsors, and attendees for their support. The next event is scheduled for early October, and we look forward to seeing you there.
China Southern Airlines
China Southern Airlines is China’s largest carrier in terms of fleet size, route network coverage, and annual passenger traffic. Rated as China’s safest airline, China Southern Airlines is proud to maintain the best safety record in the country with its global leadership in safety management. It has maintained 30 million consecutive hours of safe flight operation and, in 2023, became the first in the industry to receive the "Three-Star Flight Safety Diamond Award" from the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
China Southern is now operating 11 scheduled flights per week from North America to China, including 4 flights departing from San Francisco. We look forward to your visit to Guangzhou with China Southern Airlines.
We are a vibrant community where North American Chinese HR professionals can connect, learn, grow, and thrive throughout their careers. Founded in 2016 in Silicon Valley, NACSHR is dedicated to supporting and advancing Chinese HR practitioners in North America. We offer a platform for North American Chinese HR professionals to exchange knowledge, enhance their skills, and succeed in their careers. Through events, an online platform, mentorships, and awards, we connect, elevate, and empower the Chinese HR community. Our goal is to strengthen the influence and rights of HR professionals and the broader Chinese community in the workplace. Ultimately, we strive to promote the collective prosperity of the entire Chinese HR ecosystem.
美国SEC控告纽约的AI招聘公司Joonko的创始人证券欺诈和电信欺诈概要:伊利特·拉兹(Ilit Raz),AI招聘公司Joonko的首席执行官和创始人,因涉嫌对投资者进行重大欺诈被美国证券交易委员会(SEC)及纽约南区美国检察官办公室指控。SEC指控拉兹通过虚假和误导性的声明欺骗投资者,包括夸大Joonko的客户数量和质量、平台上的求职者数量以及公司收入,涉嫌欺诈金额至少达到2100万美元。
Joonko在2022年完成了由Insight Partners领投、包括Target Global、Kapor Capital和Vertex Ventures Israel等投资者参与的2500万美元B轮融资。《华尔街日报》报道称,该公司自2016年成立以来共筹集了超过3800万美元。Kapor Capital拒绝对此发表评论,而Insight、Target Global和Vertex Ventures Israel则没有回应《华尔街日报》的置评请求。
SEC执行局局长古尔比尔·格雷瓦尔(Gurbir Grewal)在一份新闻稿中表示:“我们指控拉兹利用老式的诈骗手法,但使用了新式的流行词如‘人工智能’和‘自动化’。随着越来越多的人寻求人工智能相关的投资机会,我们将继续监管市场,防止今天投诉中所指控的类型的不当行为。但与此同时,对于那些利用人工智能的热潮来筹资的公司,投资者也应保持警惕。”
Washington D.C., June 11, 2024 —
The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Ilit Raz, CEO and founder of the now-shuttered artificial intelligence recruitment startup Joonko, with defrauding investors of at least $21 million by making false and misleading statements about the quantity and quality of Joonko’s customers, the number of candidates on its platform, and the company’s revenue.
According to the SEC’s complaint, Joonko claimed to use artificial intelligence to help clients find diverse and underrepresented candidates to fulfill their diversity, equity, and inclusion hiring goals. To raise money for Joonko, the complaint alleges that Raz falsely told investors that Joonko had more than 100 customers, including Fortune 500 companies, and provided investors with fabricated testimonials from several companies expressing their appreciation for Joonko and praising its effectiveness. Raz also allegedly lied to investors that Joonko had earned more than $1 million in revenue and was working with more than 100,000 active job candidates. When an investor grew suspicious of Raz’s claims, Raz allegedly provided the investor with falsified bank statements and forged contracts in an effort to conceal the fraud. According to the complaint, the scheme unraveled in mid-2023 when the investor confronted Raz, who admitted to forging bank statements and contracts and lying about Joonko’s revenue and number of customers.
“We allege that Raz engaged in an old school fraud using new school buzzwords like ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘automation,’” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “As more and more people seek out AI-related investment opportunities, we will continue to police the markets against AI-washing and the type of misconduct alleged in today’s complaint. But at the same time, it is critical for investors to beware of companies exploiting the fanfare around artificial intelligence to raise funds.”
The SEC’s complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, charges Raz with violating the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws and seeks a permanent injunction, civil money penalties, disgorgement with prejudgment interest, and an officer-and-director bar against Raz.
In a parallel action, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York today announced criminal charges against Raz.
The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Alicia Guo, Ariel Atlas, Neil Hendelman, and Lindsay S. Moilanen and was supervised by Sheldon L. Pollock of the New York Regional Office. The litigation will be led by Ms. Guo and Ms. Atlas, and supervised by Daniel Loss and Mr. Pollock. The SEC appreciates the assistance of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the FBI.
华盛顿特区,2024年6月11日 — 美国证切和交易委员会(SEC)今日指控现已关闭的人工智能招聘创业公司Joonko的首席执行官兼创始人伊利特·拉兹(Ilit Raz),因在Joonko的客户数量和质量、平台上的候选人数量以及公司收入方面向投资者做出虚假和误导性陈述,欺诈投资者至少2100万美元。
SEC执行局局长古尔比尔·S·格雷瓦尔(Gurbir S. Grewal)表示:“我们指控拉兹利用老式的欺诈手法,但使用了新式的流行词如‘人工智能’和‘自动化’。随着越来越多的人寻求人工智能相关的投资机会,我们将继续监管市场,防止今天投诉中所指控的类型的不当行为。但与此同时,对于那些利用人工智能的热潮来筹资的公司,投资者也应保持警惕。”
SEC的调查由纽约地区办公室的艾丽西亚·郭(Alicia Guo)、阿里尔·阿特拉斯(Ariel Atlas)、尼尔·亨德尔曼(Neil Hendelman)和林赛·S·莫伊兰宁(Lindsay S. Moilanen)进行,并由谢尔顿·L·波洛克(Sheldon L. Pollock)监督。诉讼将由郭女士和阿特拉斯女士领导,并由丹尼尔·洛斯(Daniel Loss)和波洛克先生监着。SEC感谢纽约南区美国检察官办公室和联邦调查局的协助。
Unveiling Bias: The Controversy Over Aon's AI Hiring Tools and the ACLU's Challenge
In the rapidly evolving world of human resources technology, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role, promising to streamline processes and enhance the efficiency of hiring practices. However, the integration of AI into these practices often sparks significant debate regarding fairness and discrimination. A recent example of this controversy involves Aon, a global professional services firm, whose AI-driven hiring assessment tools have come under scrutiny by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU's allegations against Aon, leading to a formal complaint to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), underline a critical dialogue about the implications of AI in hiring.
The Basis of the ACLU’s Complaint
The ACLU has accused Aon of deceptively marketing its hiring assessment tools — specifically the Adept-15 personality assessment, the vidAssess-AI video interviewing tool, and the gridChallenge cognitive ability test — as bias-free and conducive to improving diversity in the workplace. According to the ACLU, these claims are not only misleading but also potentially unlawful, as the tools may perpetuate discrimination against job seekers based on race and disabilities such as autism, depression, and anxiety. These tools, which utilize algorithmic processes and AI, are said to evaluate candidates on traits like positivity, emotional awareness, and liveliness, which are often not directly relevant to job performance and may disproportionately affect individuals with certain disabilities.
Aon’s Defense and Industry Practices
In response to the ACLU's claims, Aon has defended its products by asserting that they are designed in compliance with legal and professional guidelines, including those set forth by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Aon emphasizes that their tools are part of a broader array of assessments used by employers to make more inclusive hiring decisions. Moreover, Aon points to the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their tools, arguing that they are less discriminatory than traditional methods.
Legal and Ethical Implications
The controversy raises significant legal and ethical questions about the use of AI in employment. U.S. laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, mandate non-discriminatory practices in employment, covering all aspects from hiring to workplace accommodation. The ACLU's complaint to the FTC, an agency tasked with protecting America’s consumers and competition, suggests potential violations of these laws, framing the issue not only as one of employment discrimination but also of consumer deception.
Broader Industry Concerns
The ACLU's actions against Aon are part of a larger movement to scrutinize AI tools used for hiring. Critics argue that while these technologies offer the potential for unbiased decision-making, they often lack transparency and can inadvertently encode the biases of their developers or the data sets they are trained on. This issue is compounded by the proprietary nature of these tools, which prevents a thorough public assessment of their fairness and effectiveness.
Potential Repercussions and Reforms
The outcome of the ACLU’s complaint could have far-reaching implications for the HR technology industry. A decision by the FTC to investigate or sanction Aon could lead to more stringent regulations governing the development and use of AI in hiring, potentially setting a precedent for how similar tools are marketed and implemented across the industry. For companies that rely on these tools, the case may serve as a critical prompt to reevaluate their algorithms to ensure compliance with anti-discrimination laws.
Moreover, this case highlights the need for ongoing dialogue between technologists, legal experts, policymakers, and civil rights advocates to ensure that advancements in AI serve to enhance, rather than undermine, workplace equality. As AI continues to permeate various aspects of human resources, the development of standards and best practices that safeguard against discrimination and uphold ethical principles will be crucial.
The ACLU's complaint against Aon is a reminder of the complex interplay between innovation, regulation, and rights in the age of AI. While AI offers transformative potentials for HR, it also demands a cautious approach to prevent new forms of discrimination. This case may well become a landmark in the ongoing debate over AI ethics in hiring, urging all stakeholders to consider the broader implications of their technological choices. As the legal proceedings unfold, the HR technology industry will be watching closely, aware that the future of AI in hiring is now under a more discerning public and legal microscope.